Spiritual Center - Luther


Martin Luther

Chirst has died. Chist is risen. Chirst will come again.

The best place to look when deciding how to live your life as a christian is the Bible. Many look to it for clear rules and guidlines but even the clearest guidance from the Bible can be fuzzy at times. We recommend that you review what Luther had to say about the 10 Commandments to help clarify them for us.

Martin Luther's 10 Commandments


After looking at the Bible and the 10 Commandments we look to the foundation cornerstones of our faith. Our faith is based on the Bible, our faith in Jesus and his grace but what does that mean? Many people have tried to work that out and a statement about Christian faith was written long ago that most Christians still adhere to. It is called the Apostles Creed. It is the conterstone for our faith and how we live. Lets read it and what Luther had to say about it.

The Apostles Creed

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